Wednesday, September 07, 2005

The Three Princes

A mother once told the following story to amuse her child.
In a city which never existed , there lived three princes, two of whom were never born and the third never entered the womb of any mother . They once went out and took their bath in three rivers, two of which were already dried up and the third never had any water at all . There they stayed in three houses, two of which never existed and the third was not yet built.Then they invited three guest , two of whom had no mouth and the third no stomach.
Yoga Vasishtha.


Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

In the midst of the plain sings the skylark, free of all things.


Harshadanand said...

All is illusion (Maya). The only Truth is Prajnanam Brahma. The Brahman is all ecompassing, infinite and eternal Prajna. The consciousness is part of this Prajna. There is no separation.