Monday, September 03, 2007

Neither Bondage Nor Liberation

The Yoga Vasistha is a book that I continually return to read . It has been the only book that I have for contemplative reading . It is esentially the record of dialogue between Lord Ram and his Guru Vasistha , who is always telling him what the nature of Self is .

I am what I am

"the mind itself gets involved in this world appearance by entertaining countless notions (like "I am weak, unhappy. foolish, etc).When the understanding arises that all this is the false creation of the mind , I am what I am - then the peace of the supreme arises in ones consciousness.

There are no waves in the ocean

The mind is like the vast ocean with infinite variety of creatures within it,on the surface of which ripples and waves of different sizes rise and fall . The small wave thinks it is small ; the big one that it is big . The one that is broken by the wind thinks it has been destroyed. One thinks it is cold, another that it is warm . But all the waves are but the water of the ocean . It is indeed true to say that there are no waves in the ocean ;the ocean alone exist. Yet , it is also true that there are waves !

Infinite faculties appears as the infinite diversity

Even so the absolute Brahman alone exist. Since it is omnipotent , the natural expression of its infinite faculties appears as the infinte diversity in this universe. Diversity has no real existence except in ones own imagination. "All this is indeed the absolute Brahman"-remain established in this truth. Give up all other notions . Even as the waves , etc . are non different from the ocean, all these things are non different from Brahman. Even as in the seed is hidden the entire tree in potential, in Brahman there exists the entire universe forever .Even as the multicoloured rainbow is produced by sunlight, all this diversity is seen in the one .Even as the inert web emanates from the living spider, this inert world appearance has sprung from the infinite consciousness.

All this diversity is seen in the one

Even as the silk worm weaves its cocoon and thus binds itself , the infinite being fancies this universe and gets caught in it . Even as an elephant effortlessly breaks loose from the post to which it is tied, the self liberates itself from it's bondage. For , the self is what it considers itself to be . In fact , there is neither bondage or liberation for the Lord. I do not know how these notions of bondage and liberation have come into being!There is neither bondage nor liberation , only that infinite being is seen :yet the eternal is veiled by the transient, and this is indeed a great wonder (or a great illusion) .

Outside Vasistha's Cave

Though revolving thus in the wheel of ignorance and delusion , when one steps on to the wisdom concerning the supreme truth he is instantly redeemed . "

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