Thursday, September 06, 2007

A Brilliant Appearance

Flower along the trail

This entry is an extension from the quote I have given from Yoga Vasistha in the post below. I wrote this the following day after I thought I lost that entry .

Kumbh Mela
One of the scriptural texts I re-read, a unique work that is highly respected for it's practical mysticism is said to be like nectar by Siddha's . The Yoga Vasistha is the teaching of sage Vasistha to Lord Rama . It is a clear understanding about the creation of the world , that all is Consciousness, including the material world that we see.That this is nothing but Leela or a play of Consciousness.

Upon looking carefully at this picture which is spread before us everyday, we can percieve a pure and untainted screen of Awareness pervading all images and movements which appear as the world, Consciousness. In our daily life it is in all the activities we undertake to get things done , the mind battling backwards and forwards (like a doer or karmi does) and especially in believing it to be super real we cannot see it as a super imposition .

Like Indra's Net

Upon investigation we will see that everything is merely a reflection of Awareness!If this has gone over your head, a good analogy is a mirror . When we look into a mirror it reflects back an image , upon wakeing we see an entire creation ,sea,sky,people,children, stars, valleys and mountains reflected .If you get a mirror and smash it into a million pieces , you will see your image a million times reflected from one mirror . This world appearance is the reflection (Consciousness or existence appearing) in the clear mirror of Awareness. Consciousness appearing in Awareness is pointing to our existence or non existence. We see and say , "That's me, that's you , that's a table " and in this is the begining of the investigation, this knowledge is there to inquire. One day the question is bound to arise "what is all this ? why am I here ? for what purpose is this life for?" etc .There is some intelligence reflecting saying

Beyond the cockatoo's

"Look!" and like looking into a mirror or a still lake we will see that BEYOND all the images and BENEATH all the names , is a spacious clarity.Untouched like the mirror unattached to our reflection, a clear ocean of unfound Awareness.This Awareness is even empty, of space and time and it cannot be separated from any image or imagined being -- there is not even a BENEATH to define. Even the beingness that we are, is empty if you just turn your attention towards yourself ,so even this Consciousness is empty of itself! Yet it is appearing in Awareness which has no condition . The conditioned appears within the unconditioned as world appearance and gives way to infinte diversity like many different clouds appearing in the spacious clear sky.

Many Clouds in Space
To the religious it is the same as saying God . But this is not a God that is personal , sitting over our heads in judgement or hiding somewhere seeing everything that we are doing , though that was taught to me in school in some clever way to control and manipulate . This cleverness is a way to make us believe we are really doing good and right and not wrong and bad, we conform to what others are telling us to do .
Presently Unconditioned
Unconditioned and without any quality is Awareness ,single and together , together without being single, with the other yet full of both and no other.This can only be understood if you see for yourself,by yourself , and in seeing for yourself you see that you have no understanding,that you cannot attain understanding whatsoever.Here in lies something that I can never understand at all! HA HA ha hahahaha:D!

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