Thursday, October 20, 2005

Mattress Baba Christananda

How can there be distinctions in a supreme reality , which is by nature one?Who has noticed any distinctions in the pure joy of deep sleep ?
One day we found the rare Jivanmukta, Baba Christananda in deep samadhi .This is the only photo taken of him so far . Feeling the oneness of all things we silently smiled in bliss as a great Shakti bathed the room and many people came to sit in His divine prescence. Baba returns to the holy mountain Arunachala, where he meets all in bliss and joy!


Anonymous said...

The essential nature of this Reality is revealed in a
stunning, timeless moment of Realization:
"Wonder of wonders! This very enlightenment is
the nature of all beings, and yet they are unhappy
for lack of it!"
The Buddha's exclamation at
the moment of his Awakening

Anonymous said...

Is that guy really enlightened? I never seen a sleeping buddha before ! Can you tell me more about him ? I am with a group of people we will be in India for a few months , can you give us details about him . He looks really relaxed does'nt he. you can see me at

ananda said...

Was that a beer-induced "deep samadhi" :-)

To me it looks more like an even more rare and mystical experience called "crashing out" (for lack of a better translation of the sanskrit term, "deergha nidra").
