Wednesday, December 14, 2005

Haro Hara


Well this is my first entry since leaving Perth for Tiruvannamalai unfortunately I did'nt bring a digital with me but have taken a few photos with ye old camera from the first week when I went up to the cave on the other side of the mountain and had a bath in one of the pools left there by the rains , when you float in the pool all the little tadpoles come and nibble and have a meal of your skin ,and did I laugh when they all had a go at me .

Yesterday was Deepam which is a huge event here attracting many people and I had the good fortune to witness a beauty on top of mount Arunachala . A light is blazing on the mount and tonight with the weather clearing out we will have more of the fire to see against the night sky .To walk around the mountain with the people is so strong , boys running in groups shouting "Haro Hara !!!! " which is the chant when the fire is lit and other groups of men walking fast and chanting out to Shiva, women holding hands sing 'Arunachala Shiva' continuosly . . Sadhus smiling ,Sadhus begging , Sadhus with pierced tounges ,deformed people lying on the road with a rag for people to drop rupees in , old men and women walk the distance and of course there is the famous chai stop . A good rest makes you realise how strong this Pradakshina is , it is so strong, it is like being inebriated . Literaly as if the road is starting to disappear under your feet and suddenly you are walking in space . A good rest to the phenomenon you are experincing is just to have a chai !


Then you pick yourself up and enter the stream of bodies venerating a mountain in the form of Shiva . When we completed the walk muscles where sore but the rest I had was good .
People say "why worship a mountain? You don't have to go to India for that" . They say this with the viewpoint that You yourself are more important than searching and wandering India . but this (travelling) is still in the play of conciousness and to be in a place of your inner most self is a blessing; Arunachala invokes this in you! It is a living power of Shiva and Shakti that stirs up all the devils and brings them into light so they may be freed . So where else does such a place exist for just this ?

Tuesday, November 08, 2005


Here is a picture of a Baul ; I have seen them ocassionally in India , singing and dancing .Rabindranath Tagore had said of the Bauls: " One day I chanced to hear a song of a Baul beggar of Bengal. It spoke of an intense yearning for the divine which is in man and not in the temple scriptures, in images or symbols. Since then I have often sought to understand these people whose songs are their only form of worship... I have fitted the tunes of the Bauls to many of my songs."

Monday, November 07, 2005

Direct Seeing

When other thoughts arise, one should not pursue them, but should inquire: ‘To whom do they arise?’ It does not matter how many thoughts arise. As each thought arises, one should inquire with diligence, “To whom has this thought arisen?”. The answer that would emerge would be “To me”. Thereupon if one inquires “Who am I?”, the mind will go back to its source; and the thought that arose will become quiescent. With repeated practice in this manner, the mind will develop the skill to stay in its source. When the mind that is subtle goes out through the brain and the senseorgans, the gross names and forms appear; when it stays in the heart, the names and forms disappear. Not letting the mind go out, but retaining it in the Heart is what is called “inwardness” (antarmukha). Letting the mind go out of the Heart is known as “externalisation” (bahir-mukha). Thus, when the mind stays in the Heart, the ‘I’ which is the source of all thoughts will go, and the Self which ever exists will shine. Whatever one does, one should do without the egoity “I”. If one acts in that way, all will appear as of the nature of Siva (God).

Ramana Maharshi.

I simply followed (my teacher's) instruction which was to focus the mind on pure being 'I am', and stay in it. I used to sit for hours together, with nothing but the 'I am' in my mind and soon peace and joy and a deep all-embracing love became my normal state. In it all disappeared -- myself, my Guru, the life I lived, the world around me. Only peace remained and unfathomable silence.

Nisargadatta Maharaj

Thursday, November 03, 2005


“Turn your vision inward and the whole world will be full of supreme
Ramana Maharshi

Wednesday, November 02, 2005


Soon I leave for the dusty temple town , where Shiva is celebrated upon the dry and rocky soil of Tiuvannamalai .Where people come to walk reverentially around a holy place such as Arunachala . The mountain is said to be Shiva , and sign of his manifestation . The sacred story goes that A subtle light ,a pillar that stretches into infinity reaches from this place and aligns with the constellation of the Paladies (karthik) in December ,which will be directly above it when throngs of people (up to 2.5 million ) will gather to light a flame of large proportion to blaze for ten to thirteen days during which there is celebrations of processions dancing and singing . To walk around the mountain is said to be wish fullfilling and granting ones desire to be liberated Eternally.

A place of Tapas, (Ganapati Sastri (also called Ganapati Muni) had visited many sacred places in India, and had learned to repeat mantras and to perform tapas (asceticism). He was not satisfied, and so he asked Ramana what tapas was. Ramana replied that if one observes the source where the notion ‘I’ arises, and the source where the mantra is produced, and if the mind is absorbed into that source, that is tapas) it can be a catalyst for burning up latent tendencies that may arise.

To sit on the mountain is good , it is a quiet and solitary place to spend some peaceful solitute before returning to the town and traffic which winds it's way around the mountain . I like to walk up to Skandashram which is a 45 minute walk up steps to a cave where Ramana Maharshi sat for a number of years . Here it is like a shade of oasis and silence , and definitely a place conducive for meditation . I find it much easier to slip into deep states of absorbtion in these places , if one can rest then the rest can be profoundly deep . Below it is another cave said to have been inhabited by the Sage Virupaksha whose remains are there within the lingam made by Ramana himself .A place that is potent with silence it is also a sauna to sit in and sweat .

In the town itself is the main temple of Arunachalaeshwara and is where the Fire lingam is presented to devotees . Tiruvannamalai has the lingam for the fire element , and so you see why it can be experienced as a place where latent tendencies can be burnt!The other places of the remaining elements are : Kalahasti - Vayu or Wind element said to be the father of Hanuman , Kanchipuram - Earth lingam said to be the place where Bodhidharma came from .Sresialam - Water lingam .There is also a lingam for Space in Chidambaram of course there is no lingam because it is full of space .

During the festival once I was in the town for the celebrations and followed the procession of the gods who were being paraded by the many people out of the main temple, caught up in the excitement of the crowds we ran down a lane way barefoot and climbed up these steps, as this is where they mounted the deity onto the giant raths or chariots which they pull around the entire temple complex . There were so many coconut husk on the ground from the offerings that I was literally walking over one vast coconut mat . This small place on the left is were I climbed to watch the procession to mount the gods into the raths .

Tuesday, November 01, 2005

Kingdom Within

This is it ! Is it not amazing that you can think such a thing ? That you ever feel that you are somebody walking around doing things ? Well have'nt you been on this planet long enough to look at yourself ?

'Yes!' you tell me . 'I have studied this and that , I have finished education, I am now helping people in society and I am practicing meditation . I am getting somewhere , I am endevouring to become enlightened' or 'I'm not getting anywhere, what's this? a load of crap?'

Have you looked closer than the actions you undertake everyday to inform others about yourself , or that you give to yourself ? Wandering from building to building ,talking about this and that ,dodging traffic, swearing at the driver in front of you , Yes please take a deep breath while you frenzy the day ! Do you ever consider to look within ?

What does that mean ?

Have you taken the time to see who you really are ? Really ?

Poke yourself ! Yes,...... just do that ! lift your finger and look at it . Then poke yourself . Where did you feel your fingertip ? Did it stab you somewhere in the chest area? Most people do , a very wise and gentle man in India, pointed this out sometime in the 40's . That when we point to ourselves we point to the chest area . Why? Because we take ourselves to be the shape and form of the physical body that seemingly shows the world who we are , we point to the heart area because we are the heart itself . By heart I do not mean physical but something far greater which has the capacity to see everything and hold every sight which we see , and evey feeling which we are able to perceive .Is this capacity different or separate from us ? Christ says the "Kingdom of Heaven is within! " . A great pointer and yet we take ourselves to be the mansions or the walls that form the image of who we are , we take the senses as ourselves because it is so real ! 'How can you doubt such a thing ?' You may say.

Now wait a minute .
Do you really believe that you are just made up of flesh bones and the full sensory capacity of the human body ?
No wonder scientist say you are only using 10% of your brain . What if there is some thing more than this body and mind that you take yourself to be .

The question must arise 'Who am I ?' or 'What am I ?' or even 'Where did I come from ?' And now arises the oportunity to inquire , and this is how every moment has the value of a treasure house.

Now without further ado , take this very moment to investigate and see YOURSELF as you really are .

What do I do ?

Well you have the greatest gift to begin with ,and that is YOU .Start penetrating yourself! Just as you are , seeing these words , just as you are looking at this screen . Investigate this feeling of being............ by resting with the feeling of being, just as you are, right now and with this in a very relaxed and gentle way................. see and penetrate into this feeling of being.Continue and avail yourself of the ocean which is with in you .

Jesus said, "I will give you what no eye has seen, what no ear has heard, what no hand has touched, what has not arisen in the human heart."

See where does this feeling of existing come from . Does it begin or end ?does it have a shape ? Is it vegetarian ? Is this separate and intimate to you ? Or is it intimate and closer than your very breath? does it come and go ? Is it changing?

The disciples said to Jesus, "Tell us, how will our end come?"
Jesus said, "Have you found the beginning, then, that you are looking for the end? You see, the end will be where the beginning is.
Congratulations to the one who stands at the beginning: that one will know the end and will not taste death."

For this has been written and talked about from ancient times , in the Vedas and
before the scriptures of the Christian Bible and Apocrypha were ever written and in times of great peace and harmony and it has lasted because it has the capacity of everlasting life . And these ancient lovers of truth say it is no other than Yourself . Unlimited, unbound , untouched and unutterable . No wind can destroy , no fire can burn , no flood can drown , no earth can move , no space can contain You!

Now where are your comments?

Saturday, October 22, 2005

Zen Mondo?

He then said "Where is Zen Mondo?"

Thursday, October 20, 2005

Mattress Baba Christananda

How can there be distinctions in a supreme reality , which is by nature one?Who has noticed any distinctions in the pure joy of deep sleep ?
One day we found the rare Jivanmukta, Baba Christananda in deep samadhi .This is the only photo taken of him so far . Feeling the oneness of all things we silently smiled in bliss as a great Shakti bathed the room and many people came to sit in His divine prescence. Baba returns to the holy mountain Arunachala, where he meets all in bliss and joy!

Essence of Joy

Being pure consciousness, do not disturb your mind with thoughts of for and against. Be at peace and remain happy in yourself , the essence of joy.
-Astavakra Gita-

Thursday, October 06, 2005

Still Like Water

We can make our minds so still like water.That beings gather about us to see their own images, and so live for a moment with a clearer perhaps even with a fiercer life because of our silence.
-William Buttler Yeats-

Tuesday, October 04, 2005

Medicine Buddha

Open your heart
Come and get your Medicine!

Thursday, September 29, 2005

Garuchati Falls

I am without begining , middle , and end. I am never bound .By nature
I am pure and perfect - this is my firm conviction.
-Avadhuta Gita-
Sitting in a stream under a small fall I am happy to rest . This place is called Garuchati .It is very peaceful place where the forrest meets water that flows into Ganga .

Saturday, September 24, 2005

Nothing Happening

How can there be birth,karma,or responsibility
In that one unchanging, peaceful,unblemished and infinite
Consciousness which is you ?
-Ashtavakra Gita-

Tuesday, September 20, 2005

Zen Mondo

A monk asked the master: "How are you when death arrives?"
The master replied: " When served tea, I take tea. when served a meal, I take a meal."
Zen Mondo
Vultures eating a buffalo before I go to Satsang in Varanasi.If you look beyond the vultures you will see a gathering of people , that's where I was heading.
Thankyou Zen Mondo for your quotes!


Solo sails the open seas .

Of silence resounding in vast space.

Illumined Of aliveness, Full of grace and exquisite Blessings.

All Rights to the above image is reserved by Isis Rising Gallery which solely represents the work of Gilbert Williams.

Sunday, September 18, 2005

Waves in the Sea

Your nature is the consciousness , in which the whole world wells up, like waves in the sea. that is what you are,without any doubt, so be free of disturbance.
-Ashtavakra Gita-
In a moments
On a holy
A moment is captured
Free of the past
Of movement without any taint
A dance, in joy!
Copyright m.m.

Lilies of the Field

"Consider the lilies of the field how they grow;they toil not , neither do they spin;And yet I say unto you , that even Solomon in all his glory was not arrayed like one of these."
To be present
Is to be free.
Just to see,
In every moment ,
Is like lilies
Who do not
Toil and weep
For the morrow.

Friday, September 16, 2005


The softest thing can overcome the hardest,
Formless, it can enter where there are no gaps or space.
-Lao Tzu

Feeling the pain within yourself ,
You can let softness touch it
And soak into it.
Until there is no more .
Copyright m.m.

Thursday, September 15, 2005

Sitting Silently

- What's that man doing by the mountain there?
-Let's go and ask him.
-Are you sitting here waiting for a friend?
-Then you are here to breathe the fresh air, right?
-Then why are you sitting here?
-I am just sitting.

Most people live in a dualistic world of gains and losses, self and object. If the scenery is beautiful, I'm happy ;if not , I'm disappointed.

Wednesday, September 14, 2005

Atma Vichar

Atma Vichar is seeing the root of the "I" thought .

What is this "I " thought ? It is the feeling that you are somebody existing .Along with this primary feeling of existing, emotions and thoughts arise creating a picture about yourself and others in the past , present and future.Self inquiry is stripping the pictures you have about yourself down to the essential and pure experience of the fundamental fact that; "I exist" and investigating where this comes from .It is a direct and immeadiate inquiry requiring NO TIME. As you sit and gently rest your attention on yourself just as you are right now, you actually touch Consciousness existing purely as it is .Take this moment to leave every idea of what you did , what you are feeling presently, and what you will do for just this moment alone, and be just here .It takes no time at all.And that does mean right NOW!
Here is the base of your existence as you know yourself to be.

It is from this base , the feeling of "I" sprouts with all the pictures about yourself and others.This is the platform and foundation from which the "I" thought exists . If you remain here just look directly at yourself without anything else, this platform is Consciousness meeting Consciousness.If you stay here long enough you will experience bliss.

What will happen if this platform is
From here you must ask and follow the thread of Consciousness and investigate !" WHERE DOES THIS FEELING OF EXISTING COME FROM ??" Remaining with the feeling of existing as you are, this feeling pours into Itself and you begin to sink into Yourself . Staying and sinking into Yourself you look where you are coming from within Yourself. An unending spaciousness will arise and if you look with a gentleness, a joy can be felt .

What is This ?

Gently Going deeper than any feeling yet feeling spaciousness, SEE WHAT THIS UNENDING SPACIOUSNESS IS APPEARING IN .If you see correctly you will detect a point that is like disappearance. It is invisible , indivisible , immutable, uncontained, beyond the "I" thought .No body of thought ,no emotions or feelings = nobody ! If you follow this with sincerity, your head is in the Tigers mouth !There is no way for return, you no longer see yourself as you have been .From here you know you are That; invisible ,indivisible , immutable and untouched Awareness .

The true essence of enquiry is this point of departure from the
known into the unknown .

Leaving behind the ground of Consciousness there is a shift towards Awareness (like foreground merging into background). Awareness has no qualities , it is untouched , empty of emptiness, free of time , place or person .Awareness does not need anything, it is free of even itself , Consciousness on the other hand cannot exist without Awareness ,to see and know that you exist there needs to be Awareness ;just as stars need the night sky to be seen .Consciousness dances in Awareness and symptoms of silence , joy , love , peace arise.Consciousness and Awareness are like the cloud in the sky. The sky has space for the cloud , and the cloud being so full ,bursts .When the rain falls people become happy and enjoy the cool water after the heat of day . So as a by-product of this inquiry , Joy , Peace , Serenity and a Happiness can arise .

You no longer invest in the story and self image that you took
yourself to be .

Now you are an expression of Consciousness that is effortlessly touching Awareness. Just as a mirror can reflect the images that pass before it. Awareness, mirrorlike reflects"life" or Consciousness dancing within Itself .You go about your life just as you have, with less of a hold on your ideas . You can still go to the movies , cook ,talk , read and deal with your day to day life . It is lighter and freer to be not what you took yourself to be .After all this is a love affair with yourself .

You are the screen of Awareness itself

and You are the character, Consciousness projected onto the screen pretending to be someone you're not .
NOW ! Where do you begin and

Monday, September 12, 2005

Right Now

Here it is , right now .start thinking about it and you miss it .
-Tao Shan-

Saturday, September 10, 2005


"Your task is not to seek for love, but merely to seek and find all the barriers within yourself that you have built against it."
Soothed by precious waters.
Here ,the Rishi
And Ma Ganga flow .
Where a man drowns ,
An animal struggles ,
A friend smiles ,
And a Master gives His blessings .
It's where I meet a lover and
We carress without a care.
Where I travel in light body
To the stars from prayer flags near.
It's where silver moon on ripples
Grace the heart of love so clear.
When the Sun touches high ridges
Then the swimmers come lay bare.
Underneath the green smooth surface
The current swirls so near .
Where langurs 'hoo!' and gaze the sky,
Their tails, slim curls,
Can make you smile.
They fly and leap
Between the rocks
There is no time,
No place,
No clock!

copyright m.m.

Friday, September 09, 2005

Light of Lights

Embrace all beings, for we are One
-Chang Tzu-
Lights are lit For the benefit of all beings .
Many beings wish you well.
Many precious wishes are being sent to you.
You may not know it but they come in the silence.
Flames of healing serenity.
copyright m.m.

Wednesday, September 07, 2005

The Three Princes

A mother once told the following story to amuse her child.
In a city which never existed , there lived three princes, two of whom were never born and the third never entered the womb of any mother . They once went out and took their bath in three rivers, two of which were already dried up and the third never had any water at all . There they stayed in three houses, two of which never existed and the third was not yet built.Then they invited three guest , two of whom had no mouth and the third no stomach.
Yoga Vasishtha.

Tuesday, September 06, 2005

Grace of Master

Question: Where will you go after you leave your body? Will you ever come back to planet earth?

Papaji: If I come back, I must go, and if I go I must come back. Therefore, the Truth is neither I come, nor I go. This is the Truth. Who goes? You speak of the body, not of your own Self. The Self doesn't come and doesn't go. Why should it go anywhere? What will he do going from here to somewhere else? He is not a businessman! Everything is included in the Self.
Why should you go? The king does not desire, 'I want to buy that house or apartment or place' because the whole kingdom belongs to him. The king has no desire to acquire property because it all belongs to him! Therefore, when you become a king you will have no desire to go anywhere and with just a clap of your hands all is fulfilled.
I am always Here!

Monday, September 05, 2005


All around
Within without,
Without within,
An ocean clear!
Through the seen
Shines the unseen.
This transcends all laws
They say it is hard
Yet it is easy.
This body of thought peels
At each outbreath.
So in breath gives way
To Another layer ,
A soft ocean!
Space looks through my eyes.
It touches who
I've taken myself to be.
The Self deathless
No starting point
No going point.
Gazing into this ocean
My own heart !
copyright m.m.

Great Mystery

There is no greater mystery Than this

-That , being the reality

We seek to gain reality.

We think that there is something

Hiding our reality

And that it must be destroyed

Before the reality is gained.

It is ridiculous.

A day will dawn

When you will yourself

Laugh at your past efforts.

That will be on the day you laugh

Is also here and now .

-Ramana Maharshi-

Have you been to places

Where you are alone

When you see the beauty

You feel that your at Home

How you come to see this

Mystery in a day

Here this very moment

The gift of your life hail!

copyright m.m.

Sunday, August 28, 2005

Wisdom and Love

I find that somehow, by shifting the focus of attention, I become the very thing I look at, and experience the kind of consciousness it has; I become the inner witness of the thing. I call this capacity of entering other focal points of consciousness, love; you may give it any name you like. Love says "I am everything". Wisdom says "I am nothing". Between the two, my life flows. Since at any point of time and space I can be both the subject and the object of experience, I express it by saying that I am both, and neither, and beyond both.
--Nisargadatta Maharaj
Entering within yourself
You see the temple of
Self Itself.
Copyright m.m.

Friday, August 26, 2005

Sacred Sound

Can you hear the secret
Voice of angels all around
Lift you up with wings of love
Revere the sacred sound!

We go about each day
Busy in the doings
That we have to do .
And every second is a chance
To listen to the Sea of Quietness,
Just here in the busy market.
Like bubbles we play
See we are embraced
In a sea of clear beauty,
So quiet.
In That,
Angels will hear our quietude
And sing us songs.
Copyright m.m.

Thursday, August 25, 2005

Awake While Asleep

Shun once asked Cheng:
-Can the Dao be possessed?
-You don't even possess your own body.
How could you possess the Dao?
-If my body doesn't belong to me , who does it belong to?
-Your body, your life , your children and grandchildren are all
temporary gifts from nature.How can you say they are yours?

For a person of the Dao , to ignorantly believe that he owns his own body is a kind of confusion . to intentionally try to possess the Dao is also a confusion .
When asleep to the world
The world does not exist.
When asleep to dreaming
Dreams do not exist.
When asleep to sleeping
Sleep does not exist.
When asleep to awakening
The awakend does not exist.
Who is it that never sleeps ,dreams or awakens?
copyright m.m.

Monday, August 22, 2005

Laughing Shiva

Only now there is
This moment To meet Shiva.
To offer a flower
And to have it
Consumed by the Divine cow!
Your laughter drifts
Down the Ganga .
A smile , a joy
Untold .
Copyright m.m.

Sunday, August 21, 2005

Open Sky

Seeing clearly the heart
Full of essence ever
Open sky.
Untouched, unbecome
No way for going,
Go beyond!
Can you see firey stars
Without the night?
Look far away
Beyond all time
Past, present and future
And what remains?
Eternal nature of your Self.
Look close into your
Nature of existing
Until it touches
What cannot become.
Your an open sky!
copyright m.m.

Monday, August 15, 2005


"That which permeates all, which nothing transcends and which, like the universal space around us, fills everything completely from within and without, that Supreme non-dual Brahman --that thou are."

Saturday, August 13, 2005

River to the Sea

One day you walk along the Ganga
Away from the crowded Mela .
And you walk away
And you walk alone
Nobody ever saw the beauty she had
Nobody ever saw her!
This river is flowing to the sea
Just as we are returning to our home,
Source itself.
copyright m.m.

Friday, August 12, 2005

Without A Trace

Like a golden flower of raindrops
This silence ever unfolding
Bird on a wing
Leaving no footprints
In the blue sky
I fly with you
I fly with you
Burn all the bridges behind
The sun never meets the moon
The river runs to the ocean
I'll only be drowned by you .
Just as the wandering mind
Is seeking for peace
In it's futility.
It is revealed to be
Like fish in a sea, so thirsty.
And just as the sun never comes and
Meets the moon,
The mind bows to give way
To the mystery.
The invitation is to
Fly like a bird to the sky,
Where you cannot see any trace of footprints.
They are left behind,
Now you walk without feet and fly without wings,
And the flowers shower.
copyright: m.m.

Wednesday, August 10, 2005

To The Gentle

Silent footfalls surround you
In the morning light your beauty
Shines it's light upon golden green.

An unmoving sign of beauty
An unmoving silent beauty
Touches me and you.

Resting Quietly
The space
Around us is touched
By the Untouched.
Gently a song arises ,
A joy, a flower, a jewel
Comes from listening
To the gentle.

The gentle
So gently
So it dances.

copyright m.m.

Tuesday, August 09, 2005

Open Gaze

How many times did I look
to find that you are everywhere
like the sky!

In the silence of the day
You come my way
in the sunshine
in this silent
open gaze.

Looking over the sea
I see infinity
My vision expands
Like a vast open transparency
That holds the sea itself .
The sea and horizon reaches out
And literally I feel they are in me.
Me becomes a vast ocean of
Unending spacious clarity.
I hold everything that
I can see and in deed not see.

Behind me ,in front of me ,
Above me and below me .
As if a cross is pointed
In all these directions .
My own vision
Is all pervasive.

I see the real meaning in the cross.
The center has a meeting
Which is true recognition .

copyright m.m.

13:13-18: I am everywhere in the world, abiding in the hands, feet, eyes, heads, mouths, ears; I am all pervading.Illuminating the qualities of all senses, yet possessing no senses, maintaining everything, yet without being attached to anything, devoid of all material qualities, yet employing the senses,I am within and without all beings, both the unmoving and the moving. Due to My subtle nature, I am unknowable. I am far away yet near.Undivided, yet abiding within all living beings as if divided, the maintainer of all beings, the object of knowledge, devouring all; I am pre eminent.In all luminous objects I am the light; I am beyond darkness. I am said to be knowledge, the object of knowledge and the goal of knowledge; I am established within the hearts of all.Thus I have briefly explained the field, knowledge and the object of knowledge. Knowing this, My devotees are eligible to attain Me.

Bhagavad Gita.